Saturday, January 7, 2017

There hasn't been a tally since Sally left the alley

Ruby's favorite character from "Inside Out."
Mine too.
My absence here has not be caused by writer's block. Other things have been afoot -- lack of inspiration, campaign and post-election malaise, computer issues that have not allowed me to include photos and videos in this blog, and dealing with my own issues, including a lingering anger regarding personal issues that won't go away. Not that I am working on making them go away; actually I have been actively feeding my anger.

Anyway, I am going to make a concerted effort to be more active here. Others may disagree, but I consider myself a writer. I write every day for my job, but off-time scribing has been absent.

I have mostly tried to be positive here, but perhaps I should write about said anger; work through it that way.

Not sure about that, but I can start with this: the election of Donald Trump has changed the way I think about my country, my state, my hometown and even my family.

I will try to expound on that in the near future. If the stated purpose of this here blog is to leave my thoughts, ideas and other musings around for my kids, then I owe them that.

It really is time to get busy.

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