Saturday, September 19, 2020

They were all rank strangers to me

45 days to go...

No matter what happens on Nov. 3, things are going to stay ugly for a while. If Trump loses, I expect unrest and maybe even a refusal to accept the outcome. If Trump wins, we will see a more authoritative government with the possibility of retribution against the opposition. And worse, much worse.

That's a polite way of saying that these racists and fake Christians who have crawled out from under a rock the past four years ain't going away.

The country is broken.

Every day I wake up with a sense of dread, a little worse than the day before. Trump does something more egregious every couple of days, and his followers dig in a little deeper. It's maddening.

What to do with friends/co-workers/relatives who are still on the course of hitching their wagon to someone tearing the country apart?

The introvert in me says to let them go. But the rest of me feels the same way.

It's gonna be a long walk home. And either way, I don't think I can ever get back there.

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