Monday, May 2, 2011

Cause I'm stuck in traffic down here

The end of my weekend consisted of massive traffic jams caused by accidents, road work and insane volume, all of which led to a 75-mile-out-of-my-way detour. Anytime I get near the traffic cesspool that is our nation's capital, nothing good comes of it.

But before that nightmare began, I got to see my family as well as Jack's Tae Kwon Do best testing. Now officially a red belt, Jack's parting comment to me was: "Dad, you should try Tae Kwon Do. You could lose weight."

But, in the end the trip was worth it for this fat butt.

Arrived back in PA late last night to news that Bin Laden was dead. Obviously, I hope my kids will never live through anything like 9/11. And I have mixed feelings about killing Osama, as it sort of makes me think we are resorting to their level, the old eye for an eye thing. But I guess it's better to not have him alive in a prison somewhere, which would probably cause more unrest to free him with hostage taking, terrorist acts and the like.

Unless, of course he is sentenced to drive the Richmond to D.C. route, over and over, as long as he lives.

That's one person's idea of hell, anyway.

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