Monday, February 25, 2013

Now for me some words come easy, but I know that they don't mean that much

If a blogger blogs consistently and no one, for the most part, ever reads it, is it still a blog?

Or is it a diary, albeit a very public one?

Diaries by definition are more private, but it's not like I haven't been open with my emotions here. Obviously not as open as I could be, however.

But given that no one is currently reading these musings, "Farther On" really is more a diary and far less than the blog it should be. The lack of readership is my fault; I have done little or no marketing and you also say that the content is not appealing enough to keep readers coming back.

Topics here, even if written for and/or about others, are what is currently on my mind and of specific interest to me. Even references to others are mostly not blatant, with the exception of mentions of my kids.

And that is who this is for, and I have mentioned that several times.

They won't get much out of it now, especially Ruby the beginning reader.
But someday I hope they will have a picture of their dad, warts and all, as he writes about his frustrations, heartaches, passions and the unbridled joy that they have brought to my life. I wonder where I would be without them.

And because of that, I will continue with this. Even though no one is paying attention.

For now.

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