Wednesday, February 20, 2013

God help the beast

The classic fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” had its origins in 18th century France, but it’s the Disney version from 1991 that is familiar to me (and most others).

That's because Ruby has identified with the modern Belle. Belle is the best role model (in my opinion), of all the princesses – strong, independent, and intelligent with a passion for books. Also, she is not “saved” by a prince, but rather “saves” another – the beast.

Other than Ruby’s interest, why do I care about princesses and Belle?

Because, like many other things, I can relate “Beauty and the Beast” to music or pop culture. Every time I think of the film, or the story, I imagine the villagers singing the Joe Jackson song below, which holds up well after all these years – especially when paired with the theme of the story/film. I mean, what song is really more appropriate? And I've never liked it all that much, but it is just so spot on.

OK, maybe it’s a stretch, but not to me.

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