Although early Nick Lowe, with Brinsley Schwartz and Rockpile, will probably always be his strongest work, lately I’ve come to really appreciate his later, more mature and subdued material. He seems to be aging musically (and personally for all I know), in an accepting and graceful manner. Becoming a new father at the age of 57 I’m sure had a significant effect on him (besides undoubtedly scaring him immensely as well).
Anyway, case in point is
this song -- it's sharp, concise and astute to a fault.
Not to mention filled with pointed observations that includes his usual caustic wit and well-placed sarcasm and cynicism.
You might also say he's wise beyond his years.
I love Nick Lowe. I met him once. I saw him on Elvis Costello recently but it may have been a re-run. I like this album cover. Reminds me of Charles Harper art work that graced all the Bettie Crocker cook books and junior high biology books when I was a kid.