Thursday, February 25, 2010

Radio Nowhere

I used to be on the cutting edge of pop culture.

Books, movies, celebrities, television and music. Especially music.

I was the first in my second grade class to have “Meet the Beatles.” I had seen Springsteen three times before he was on the cover of Time and Newsweek. I was talking about the Sex Pistols, Ramones and The Clash before anyone else in my town had heard of them. I knew “Graceland” was groundbreaking just by looking at the cover. I was the first in my office to successfully execute “The Macarena.”

But no more.

Case in point: Current hipster favorites Radiohead. Yes, they've been around awhile, but the critical huzzahs keep getting louder. People whose opinions I respect greatly rave about them: “Best band around.”"Visionaries.” “Vital and essential.”

As with Nirvana, this one is completely lost on me.

I have listened to “OK Computer,” I have spent time with “Kid A.” I have pondered “Creep.” My most recent exposure was a DirecTV studio concert the other night. I gave it 4-5 songs. It was all I could take.

Here are my quotes, “whiny,” “self-indulgent,” and “alienated, but not in a musical or especially interesting way.”

I would describe them as an updated Pink Floyd. But that would be an insult to Pink Floyd.

This saddens me because I used to be one of the cool kids. A hipster.

I know, I know. I am officially old, incredibly uncool and a curmudgeon.

But you already knew that.


  1. First, you are NOT old and you are NOT uncool. You know who Radiohead is, you listened to them and even watched a studio concert. That is pretty cool for a nearly old guy! You give analysis and that is something we need. I don't want to waste my time on crappy music and I am glad you just saved me the time. Now, tell me who I should be listening to!

  2. Mavis,

    I don't know you, but take my word for it -- Dennis is off base on this review. While he may not be old (but that is debatable), he is definitely old school. Highly recommend that you buy "In Rainbows," "Kid A" and "Amnesiac." "In Rainbows" will probably be at the top of your playlist in 2010.
