Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Come on people now, smile on your brother

Full disclosure: I am far from an expert on either Christianity or the complex intricacies of health care proposals currently being discussed.


When watching recent town-hall meetings on health care reform, it occurred to me that many attendees would probably identify themselves as Christians.

At least that's my take from the demographic makeup of the images I saw -- mostly white, middle-aged or elderly, and often in rural areas.

As Charles Barkley once said, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Anyway, it got me thinking about Jesus. You know, the guy who essentially told his disciples to "heal the sick and feed the poor."
But apparently that's not the take of Christians in our country today -- not all, but some....

So, I ask these vociferous and angry detractors of universal health coverage for everyone -- What Would Jesus Do?

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