Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It was weird, but it meant something to me

Strange how new music can it make its way to my ears.

While walking to the office today, I saw a fancy tour bus at the Lincoln Theater. As I usually do, I then went online to find out more about who was playing, as I of course had never heard of anyone on the bill. One is the supporting bands is called Rodeo Ruby Love, which piqued my interest only because of the name. The word Ruby never fails to conjure up images and thoughts that lead straight to my heart.

So I searched them out online, and found a site with Band camp albums, and lo and behold they are more than I expected. Somewhat lo-fi power pop with solid hooks; I hear some Squeeze and 90s-nerdsters Barenaked Ladies, without the smarminess. I am sure there or other influences or frames of references that i am missing due to the paltry amount of post-1990 music I have heard.

I also especially like how the songs twist and turn, with abrupt and unexpected melodic changes. The horns are a nice and mostly subtle addition, and just when I think things are about to veer into ska-land, it all comes popping back.

Now, I have only listened to a bit, so I will withhold further judgment, but I like what I hear so far. But, as usual, I’m a sucker for a pretty face, so to speak – I need to peel away the layers a bit.

Someday I may be kicking myself, but there is still not quite enough there for this old man to stand through several hours with hipsters tonight at a smelly club.

But I remain intrigued.

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