Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thinking young and growing older is no sin

...but it sure can hurt like hell.

(btw, the photo to the left is an artist's rendition of the scene since there is no photographic evidence.)

In an attempt to take advantage of a rare Southeast snowfall, I stood in line for nearly two hours to buy two sleds, thinking my kids could experience some of what I experienced as a youth.

Ruby has wanted no part of it. Something about being too cold and wet. Jack, on the other hand, has been having one of the great times of his time.

As for me, I almost ended up in the emergency room -- and probably should have.

How? Well, Jack and I had just finishing going down a great hill in our neighborhood for about the 20th time. I told Jack we had time for one more run. Jack went by himself to the bottom. I started down to meet him so we could walk up the hill together towards home, and I had almost reached the bottom when, just as I started to turn around, another sledder came barreling into the back of my knees. This kid was going about 30 mph. I was literally lifted about 2 feet off the ground and went backwards, landing incredibly hard on my upper back -- or as we used to say, ass over tin cups. (I don't know the literal meaning of this saying, but if anyone ever did go ass over tin cups, it was me.)

I felt all the air rush out of my lungs. I rolled over on my stomach, and I think my life was starting to flash before my eyes when I suddenly was able to look up. Everyone's mouth was hanging open in stunned silence, although I"m sure I heard several people ask "are you OK?"

I staggered into a nearby house to get my bearings. Jack, not grasping that he just narrowly avoided being in a one-parent family, asked, "can we go down again?" I got a ride home, where I proceeded to lie down on the couch and count my blessings.

It is now the day after; it still hurts to breathe, to move, to cough. So, I went to the doctor this morning -- nothing broken, just bumps and bruises, including a bruised lung and hip. In other words, time will heal all wounds.

I may be exaggerating slightly (although I don't think so), but had I landed on my head, about six inches higher, well.... it would have been an odd way to go.

Because, up to that moment, we were having SO MUCH FUN. You know, the kind of fun that I probably never will attempt again....

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